Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Essay on terrorism in pakistan

Essay on terrorism in pakistan

essay on terrorism in pakistan

Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan for LAT Examination. Home Law Admission Test Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan for LAT Examination. Terrorism is a real issue in Pakistan. Pakistan is facing terrorism for the last 2 decades. That’s why Terrorism is a hot topic that may be asked in the LAT Examination. This Essay of Terrorism in Pakistan for the LAT Examination is very simple and blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan Pakistan for many years has been victimized and recognized as a terrorist country. However, people being unable to justify that any country which itself facing bombing, killing and other attacks how can be responsible for terrorism in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins Terrorism in Pakistan Mohammad Safdar Social AP Mr. Brash December 16, Terrorism is a curse. The War on terror has increased the terrorism all over the world. One example of this is the situation in Pakistan. Terrorism had a dire affect on Pakistan economy and society. Terrorism has increased the rates of unemployment and poverty. Terrorism is pushing Pakistani severity toward Estimated Reading Time: 12 mins

History Of Terrorism In Pakistan, Essay Sample

Terrorism in Pakistan Mohammad Safdar Social AP Mr. Brash December 16, Terrorism is a curse. The War on terror has increased the terrorism all over the world. One example of this is the situation in Pakistan. Terrorism had a dire affect on Pakistan economy and society. Terrorism has increased the rates of unemployment and poverty.

Terrorism is pushing Pakistani severity toward collapse. It has affected the flow of Foreign Direct Investment FDI. Background to the War on TerrorThe War on terror was the U. On the morning, 19 al-Qaeda terrorists hijacked four commercial passenger jet airliners.

The hijackers intentionally crashed two of the airliners into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City, killing everyone on board and many others working in the buildings.

Both of the buildings collapsed within two hours, destroying nearby buildings and damaging others. The hijackers crashed a third airliner into the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, just outside Washington, D. The fourth and final plane crashed into a field near Shanks Ville in rural Pennsylvania after some of its passengers and flight crew tried to retake control of the plane, which the hijackers had redirected toward Washington, D.

Order custom essay Terrorism essay on terrorism in pakistan Pakistan with free plagiarism report. No one was saved from any of the flights. The U. S responded to the attacks by launching the War on Terror, attacking Afghanistan. They believed that Al Qaeda and its founder Osama Bin Laden, who attacked the twin towers were hiding in Afghanistan. Consumers who were used to going out on a daily basis and buying a large amount of goods have been afraid of to do so in recent years.

As the GDP growth rate has gone down from 8, essay on terrorism in pakistan. According to experience curves and studies that have been conducted, it has been concluded that it will take the Pakistan economy about 33 years to double its size. The ratio of unemployment and poverty has increased after the terrorism. Population of Pakistan was Pakistan is an agricultural country but people are still starving to death CIA fact book.

One of the reasons for that is smuggling of foods to Afghanistan. Essay on terrorism in pakistan investment helps economy to grow at faster rate. Terrorism has greatly affected the foreign investment in Pakistan. Billion in Due to decline in investment poverty and unemployment rises. Poverty has reached to Analysts refer to the plummeting foreign direct investment FDI as a sign of weakening investor confidence as a result of increase in terrorism.

Security concern largely impact the flow of FDI into a country. If a country is unsafe for investment than investor will move to other safer place.

Local businessmen of Pakistan are also afraid of investing more money under the existing security and economic conditions, essay on terrorism in pakistan. The cost of power shortages, the second heaviest drag on; the economy, was Rs billion. Pakistan is becoming failure state because of spending less money on education. Manufacturing posted a growth of 5. Extensive manufacturing, accounting for High political tension, worse law and order situation, growing power shortages, cumulative impact of monetary tightening and rising cost of doing business are responsible for poor growth of manufacturing in Fromthe large-scale manufacturing sector as a result of a becoming fast larger economy, moved from highest point to another and reached its essay on terrorism in pakistan high point at During the last three years the large-scale manufacturing sector is showing signs of reasonable along with a subsequent slowing down of the economy and has registered a growth of 4.

The government can play an important role in providing manufactures firms to compete in the world economy by providing technological up-gradation in production and by improving law and order situation. Zaiby, P. Nevertheless, due to terrorism threats on Pakistan, government from other countries discourages their citizens to go to Pakistan.

The foreign buyers have taken complete advantage of the situation to produce goods at lower values. billion dollars within the reduction of imports. Oyeleke Oluwatimilehin Tourism is one of major money making industry for Pakistan, but sustaining terror activities in Pakistan have negatively impacted the tourism business, especially after the terrorism increased in Pakistan.

One of the major terror activities that discouraged the tourism was Marriot Hotel attack occurred on 20 September which left 60 people dead. The Swat valley, once famously known as the Switzerland of Pakistan is under the Drone attacks by US military because they want to kill Taliban militants, and to prevent Taliban from taking control of the valley.

In the latest Travel and Tourism Competitiveness Report TTCR launched on by World Economic Forum, essay on terrorism in pakistan, Pakistan stands attwo places down from last year. The reasons for the terrible performance by Pakistan are government sedentary in improving infrastructure facilities and high security concerns of the tourists. It has created fear among the people, essay on terrorism in pakistan.

People are scared of stepping out of their house. They are even scared of sending their kids to the school. On October 21, Taliban suicide bombers attacked Pakistan's International Islamic University in Islamabad which killed 4 people and at least 18 people were wounded in the suicide attack.

After the attack, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik told reporters that country was in a state essay on terrorism in pakistan war.

He ordered all the schools and universities to be closed until any other notice, essay on terrorism in pakistan. Terror central Taliban brainwashes kids with vision of virgins.

Yusuf tells us that when they got to that part of the story it was shocking for them. Standing in the middle of what the Pakistani military says was a brainwashing center -- for children. According to Pakistani military that children between the ages of are turned from innocent youngsters to cold blooded killers, want to blow themselves in pieces as suicide bombers.

The discovery of the compound was first reported in Pakistani media on December Yusuf said his military took it over after three days battle with militants. They use to paint the wall with brightly colour paintings in clear contrast to the barren and harsh landscape surrounding it.

Taliban told children that this was what waits for them in heaven. Each of the essay on terrorism in pakistan have river flowing through it. Some of the paintings have people playing in the water and others have women lining the banks.

Children were told that these are the rivers of milk and honey, essay on terrorism in pakistan that the women will be waiting for them in the Jannat heaven and they will be live in the company of Prophet Muhammad P. Essay on terrorism in pakistan January 05, By Arwa Damon, CNN.

Killing is only obligatory when facing warfare and armed combat not when facing kufr. For this reason, neither women are to be killed nor children, or the elderly, nor the blind nor those worshippers who do not fight, rather do we fight against those who fight us. This was the way of the Messenger of Allah in dealing with the people of the earth, he used to fight those who fought essay on terrorism in pakistan him until they either entered into the deen, make an agreement or treaty with him or came under his authority via paying the jizya, essay on terrorism in pakistan.

This is what he used to instruct his armies if they fought against heir enemies, as has preceded from the Hadeeth of Buraydah". The quote show us that the Prophet Muhammad never allowed the killing of innocent even during the war, than how could the people who kill innocent people will live with his company.

He also said that the killing of one innocent person is the killing of essay on terrorism in pakistan mankind. Despite the fact that they killed Baitullah Mehsud, but they also killed innocent civilians in the attacks. With such a bulky civilian toll and so little to show for it, it is no wonder that Pakistani people have been up in arms over the strikes. When others people went to the place to rescue them, they launched another missile, essay on terrorism in pakistan, killing 13 innocent Pakistanis.

When they held a funeral procession on June 23, the US hit that too, apparently on the belief that Baitullah Mehsud might be among the bereaved person. Ditz, January 02, Madrassas is a college or school where students are taught about Islam. Madrassa are labeled as the main cause of extremism but they are not stoking extremism or militancy.

The main cause of the extremism is poor public education. The research found out that the high literacy rate is the main cause of violence and that demand for education inside Pakistan "went beyond the limits of the government's ability to provide it.

The exclusive focus on Madrassas as a security challenge - which is especially found frequently in the west - needs to be corrected. BBC, 24 June To conclude, the war on terror has to be stopped. Pakistan has faced lots of bad things in supporting of the U. S War on Terror and to make this world a safer place, but we have never been appreciated for all the sacrifices that we have make for this world.

We have never been appreciated for 3, martyred soldiers and innocent citizens. References: Ditz, January, US Killed Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in This essay was written by a fellow student.

You can use it as an example when writing your own essay or use it as a source, but you need cite it. Explore how the human body functions as one unit in harmony in order to life.

Terrorism in Pakistan. Free Essays - PhDessay. com, Feb 28, Accessed October 7, comFeb

Terrorism in Pakistan - Explained

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essay on terrorism in pakistan

Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan and its Solution. Essay on Future of Pakistan. State terrorism is the act of violence in which one country attacks another country is known as state terrorism. This kind of terrorism can be against a particular group or can also be against religion or other blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins The terrorism act is a chronic nuisance for federation and a horrendous behaviors for the people of Pakistan. Despite having a perceived notion of terrorism as a global menace, Pakistan has to bear the exclusive brunt of the act. The country’s active participation in the War against Terrorism act has extremely worsened the situation Essay on Terrorism in Pakistan Pakistan for many years has been victimized and recognized as a terrorist country. However, people being unable to justify that any country which itself facing bombing, killing and other attacks how can be responsible for terrorism in the blogger.comted Reading Time: 3 mins

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