Tuesday, October 12, 2021

Pixar organizational structure

Pixar organizational structure

pixar organizational structure

Ken Potrock President, Disneyland Resort. As president of Disneyland Resort, Ken Potrock leads a workforce of 32, cast members and is responsible for all facets of the business, including oversight of two theme parks – Disneyland and Disney California Adventure, three resort hotels and the Downtown Disney District Mc Shane von Glinow Organizational Behavior ebook Copy. Oggy Restiyanto. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package. This paper. A short summary of this paper. 24 Full PDFs related to this paper. Read Paper. Download PDF. Download Full PDF Package May 01,  · If you have seen the Disney’s Pixar movie Inside Out, you’ll know there is a perfect ensemble of characters that represent the majority of primary emotions. If you haven’t seen the movie, I highly recommend obtaining it as a resource for early years classrooms

How Pixar Designed a Culture of Collective Creativity | By Gustavo Razzetti

USD introduces quite a few terms and concepts, some of which, unavoidably, already have different meanings in other contexts, so it can be quite daunting to make sense of all of our documentation and code until you have become fully indoctrinated, pixar organizational structure. This glossary attempts to define and explain all the major concepts and behaviors referred to in other parts of the USD documentation.

Prims are active by default, which means they and their active children will be composed and visited by stage traversals ; however, pixar organizational structure, by making a prim inactivevia Pixar organizational structure falsewe prevent the prim itself from being visited by default traversals, and we pixar organizational structure prevent the prim's descendant prims from even being composed on the stage, which makes deactivation a useful tool for pruning unneeded scene description for scalability and complexity management.

to compose onto the stage. An API schema is a prim Schema that serves as an interface or API for authoring and extracting a set of related data, and may also contribute to pixar organizational structure prim's definition, pixar organizational structure. In terms of the USD object model, an API schema is one that derives from UsdAPISchemaBasepixar organizational structure, but not from its subclass UsdTyped.

There are three types of API schema: non-applied, single-apply, and multiple-apply. The UsdModelAPI is an example of a non-applied schema whose purpose is to interact with pixar organizational structure few pieces of prim metadata related to models and assets; there is no way to tell whether a UsdModelAPI is present on a prim - instead one simply uses its methods to interrogate particular aspects.

One might also create a non-applied schema to interact with some related for your purposes properties that exist on some nnumber of other typed schemas, which may allow for more concise coding patterns. The most common type of API schema is single-apply, pixar organizational structure, which should be applied before using the schema's authoring API's.

That is, whereas when we are authoring typed schemas we usually assign the type as we define the prim, pixar organizational structure, before using the schema to author data, like:. for applied API schemas we instead apply the type to an existing prim before using the schema to author data, like:.

Multiple-apply schemas can be applied to a prim more than once, requiring an "instance name" to distinguish one application from another - the instance name will form part of the namespace in which the schema's properties will be authored.

UsdCollectionAPI is an example of a multiple-apply schema, which UsdShadeMaterialBindingAPI uses to assign materials to collections of prims, allowing multiple collections to be located on a single prim. Choose to create an applied API Schema when you have a group of related properties, metadata, and possibly associated behaviors that may need to be applied to multiple different types of prims. For example, if your pipeline has a set of three attributes that get authored onto every gprimand you want to have a robust schema for authoring and extracting those attributes, you could create an applied API schema for them.

Why not instead subclass the typed UsdGeomGprim schema and add the attributes there? Because you would then need to redefine all of the schema classes that derive from Gprim, thus preventing you from taking advantage of built-in DCC support for the UsdGeom GPrim-derived classes.

API schemas provide for "mix in" data organization, pixar organizational structure. API schemas can be generated using the USD schema generation toolsand extended with custom methods, just as typed schemas can. We use schema generation even for non-applied API schemas that have no builtin properties, pixar organizational structure, to ensure consistency. In USD an assembly is a kind of Model. Assemblies are group models, i.

models that aggregate other models into meaningful collections. An assembly may consist primarily of references to other models, and themselves be published assets, pixar organizational structure.

Asset is a fairly common organizational concept in content-producing pipelines. In the most generic terms in USD, pixar organizational structure, an asset is something that can be identified and located via asset resolution with a string identifier.

To facilitate operations such as asset dependency analysis, USD defines a specialized string type, assetpixar organizational structure, so that all metadata and attributes that refer to assets can be quickly and robustly identified, pixar organizational structure.

In content pipelines, assets are sometimes a single file e. a UV textureor a collection of files anchored by a single file that in turn references others. A non-defining, but important quality of assets is that they are generally published and version-controlled.

As an aid to asset management and analysis of composed scenes, USD provides an AssetInfo schema. The ascii USD format uses a special syntax for asset-valued strings to make them pixar organizational structure differentiable from ordinary strings, using the " " symbol instead of quotes to delimit their values.

See AssetInfo for pixar organizational structure example. AssetInfo is a metadata dictionary that can be applied to any UsdPrim or UsdProperty to convey pixar organizational structure information. Typically a UsdStage pulls in pixar organizational structure assets through composition arcs.

When interacting with prims and properties on the stage, however, pixar organizational structure, the presence and location of the arcs and the identity of the assets they target is, by design, fairly deeply hidden as an implementation detail. We do provide low-level tools for examining the arc-by-arc index for each prim, but it can be difficult to reconstruct intent and asset identity from the arc structure alone. AssetInfo provides a mechanism for identifying and locating assets that survives composition and even stage flattening to allow clients to discover the namespace location at which an asset is introduced, and generally how to construct a reference to the asset.

assetInfo authored in USD files is advisory data one supplies for client applications to use. The AssetInfo dictionary can contain any fields a client or pipeline finds useful, but promotes four core fields, which each have direct API:. A continuation of the example above that illustrates assemblies :, pixar organizational structure. Asset resolution is the process by which pixar organizational structure asset identifier is translated into the location of a consumable resource.

We use the general term "resource", though in reality parts of USD currently assume resolved assets are files. USD provides a plugin point for asset resolution, the ArResolver interface, which clients can implement to resolve assets discovered in a USD scene, using whatever logic and external inputs they require.

Because USD pixar organizational structure always calls into the ArResolver plugin to resolve an identifier before consuming it, the plugin provides an opportunity for clients to fetch resources and make them into files for USD's consumption, so that they can work around the assumption of resource-as-file until such time as we may be able to remove it. If a USD-using site provides no asset resolver plugin, we fall back to a default resolver that operates off of a search-path to locate assets referenced via relative paths like the one in the example for AssetInfo.

Attributes are the most common type of property authored in most USD scenes. An attribute can take on exactly one of the legal attribute typeNames USD provides, and can take on both a default value and a value each at any number of timeSamples. Resolving an attribute at any given timeCode will yield either a single value or no value.

Attributes resolve according to "strongest wins" rules, so all values for any given attribute will be fetched from the strongest PrimSpec that provides either a default value or timeSamples. Note that this simple rule is somewhat more complicated in the presence of authored clips.

One interacts with attributes through the UsdAtttribute API. A simple example of an attribute that has both an authored default and two timeSamples in the same primSpec:. Similarly to how prims can be deactivated through composing overriding opinions, the value that an attribute produces can be blocked by an overriding opinion of Nonewhich can be authored using UsdAttribute::Block.

A block itself can, of course be overridden by an even stronger opinion. The following example extends the previous attribute example, pixar organizational structure, adding a DefaultBall prim that blocks the value of radius it references from BigBallcausing radius 's value to resolve back to its fallback at UsdTimeCode t any blocked attribute that has no fallback will report that it has no value when we invoke UsdAttribute::Get :. In addition to completely blocking an attribute's value, sub time-ranges pixar organizational structure be separately blocked, by blockng individual time samples.

Consider the following examples:. Example Note that the per-timeSample-blocking ability does not allow us to sparsely override timeSamples, i. in the following example:. Change processing is the action a UsdStage takes in response to edits of any of the layers that contribute to its composition. During change processing, prims on the stage may be re-indexed or disappear entirely, or new prims may come into being. The key things to understand about change processing are:. Class is one of the three possible specifiers a prim and also a primSpec can possess.

A class prim and all of the prims nested inside it in namespace will report that they are abstractvia UsdPrim::IsAbstractwhich causes the prims to be skipped by stage and child traversals, unless a client specifically asks to include abstract prims. The most common use of classes is to create prims from which other prims can inherit. Collections build on the ability of relationships to identify objects in a USD scene. Whereas a relationship is resolves to, by fetching its Targets simply an ordered list of paths identifying other objects in the scene, a Collection uses a pair of relationships and extra rules to compactly encode potentially large sets of objects by identifying a set of paths pixar organizational structure hierarchically include in the Collection, pixar organizational structure, and a separate set of paths to hierarchically exclude.

For example, the following Collection identifies all of the prims comprising the two buildings, except for all the prims organized under the "Floor13" prim in each.

We can see from the example that Collections in USD are expressed as "multiple apply" API Schemasso that we can add as many different collections as we want, to any pixar organizational structure already in the scene. The expansionRule attribute specifies how the targets of the includes relationship should be expanded; we can include all prims, all prims and properties, or just the targeted objects themselves.

In addition to prims and properties, a Collection can include another Collection, which allows pixar organizational structure to hide internal details of assets when we publish them, as the aggregate scenes that consume the assets can do things like binding materials and illuminating the scene by targeting the asset's collections which break down the asset into meaningful groups with other collections.

We create and query Collections using UsdCollectionAPI. In USD a component is a "leaf" kind of Model. Components can contain subcomponentsbut no other models. Components can reference in other assets that are published as models, but they should override the kind of the referenced prim to subcomponent. See also: model hierarchy. Composition is the process that assembles multiple layers together by the pixar organizational structure arcs that relate them to each other, resulting in a UsdStage scenegraph of UsdPrim s.

Each UsdPrim contains an index that allows clients pixar organizational structure subsequently extract " resolved values " for properties and metadata from the relevant layers. Composition occurs when first opening a UsdStage, when loading or unloading prims on the stage, and when layers that contribute to the stage are edited, pixar organizational structure. One of the results of composition is path translation so that all the data in all layers contributing to the scene are accessed by their "scene level" namespace locations paths.

We also sometimes refer to "a composition" or "a composed prim" or "a composed scene", in which contexts we are referring to the result of performing composition. Composition arcs are the "operators" that allow USD to create rich compositions of many layers contain mixes of "base" scene description and overrides.

The five kinds of arcs are subLayersinheritsvariantSetsreferencespixar organizational structure, payloadsand specializes. We refer to these operators as arcs because each one targets either a layera primor a combination of layer and prim, and when diagramming a prim's index to understand how a scene or value is composed, the composition operators represent the directional arcs that combine layers and primSpecs into an ordered graph that we traverse when performing value resolution.

Except for subLayers, pixar organizational structure, all composition arcs target a specific prim in a LayerStack, and allow the renaming of that target prim as the result "flows" across the arc. Except for subLayers, all composition arcs are list editablewhich means that each layer in a layerStack can sparsely prepend, append, remove, or reset targets, which allows us to non-destructively edit the composition structure of a scene as it evolves or passes through multiple stages of a pipeline.

Following is an example of list-edited references. usd is a two-element list: [ file1. usdfile3. usd ], pixar organizational structure. Connections are quite similar to relationships in USD, in that they are list-edited "scene pointers" that robustly identify other scene objects. The key difference is that while relationships are typeless, independent propertiesconnections are instead a sub-aspect of USD attributes, pixar organizational structure.

Relationships serve to establish dependencies between prims as a whole, or the dependency of a prim as a whole upon a targeted property. But they lack the expressiveness to encode, for example, complex, typed, pixar organizational structure, dataflow networks such as shading networks.

Each attribute is strongly typed, and connections allow each input to target an output attribute from which, in some downstream consuming application, it may receive dataflow. Connections empower USD to robustly encode dataflow networks of prims, but USD itself provides no dataflow behavior across connections.

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, time: 2:58

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pixar organizational structure

It was only when Pixar experienced a crisis during the production of Toy Story 2 that my views on how to structure and operate a creative organization began to crystallize May 01,  · If you have seen the Disney’s Pixar movie Inside Out, you’ll know there is a perfect ensemble of characters that represent the majority of primary emotions. If you haven’t seen the movie, I highly recommend obtaining it as a resource for early years classrooms Jun 01,  · Organizational redesign involves the integration of structure, processes, and people to support the implementation of strategy and therefore goes beyond the traditional tinkering with “lines and boxes.” Companies such as Apple and Pixar are well known for going far beyond lines and boxes, taking into account questions such as where

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